
JOYSOUND is Japan's first broadcast karaoke brand ...

JOYSOUND is Japan's first online karaoke brand. JOYSOUND is a premier Japanese karaoke brand created by XING INC., a pioneer in the field of providing musical ...

JOYSOUND Karaoke has multilingual support.

Enjoy an incredible JOYSOUND karaoke experience in Japan, even if you can't read Japanese. *Based on our own research (As of 2020). Foreign -Multilingual Uses.

Japan Karaoke

Sing all your favorite Japan karaoke songs online for free. Enjoy all the best karaoke songs on any device with Singa.

Japanese Karaoke, Without Leaving the House! It's ...

2020年4月27日 — Stay home, stay safe, and learn a new favorite Japanese karaoke song, thanks to official JOYSOUND karaoke on Youtube.

In Japanese

Discover the karaoke playlist In Japanese carefully crafted by our team of karaoke experts. Browse hundreds of playlists like In Japanese to rock your next ...

Are there any services like Karafun which feature Anime ...

2020年7月2日 — Hi all, I'm looking for a Karaoke service similar to Karafun but also has Anime / Japanese music (in addition to western music).


JOYSOUNDisJapan'sfirstonlinekaraokebrand.JOYSOUNDisapremierJapanesekaraokebrandcreatedbyXINGINC.,apioneerinthefieldofprovidingmusical ...,EnjoyanincredibleJOYSOUNDkaraokeexperienceinJapan,evenifyoucan'treadJapanese.*Basedonourownresearch(Asof2020).Foreign-MultilingualUses.,SingallyourfavoriteJapankaraokesongsonlineforfree.EnjoyallthebestkaraokesongsonanydevicewithSinga.,2020年4月27日—Stayhome,...
